Natural Factors / Folic Acid 1 mg

Medicinal Ingredients

Each tablet contains:  
Folic acid (folate) 1 mg

Non-Medicinal Ingredients

Microcrystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate, vegetable grade magnesium stearate (lubricant).

Suggested Use

Helps prevent neural tube defects when taken prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy. Helps to produce red blood cells and is a factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps the body to metabolize proteins.

فيتامينات – فيتامين – فوليك اسيد

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Natural Factors / Folic Acid 1 mg
Folic Acid 1 mg


Natural Factors Folic Acid delivers 1 mg of folate per tablet, and is more bioavailable in supplemental form than from food. Folate plays an important role in the prevention of neural tube defects when taken prior to conception and during early pregnancy. It helps in the production of red blood cells and factors in the maintenance of good health.10


يوفر Natural Factors Folic Acid 1 مجم من حمض الفوليك لكل قرص ، وهو متوفر بيولوجيًا في شكل تكميلي أكثر من الغذاء. يلعب حمض الفوليك دورًا مهمًا في الوقاية من عيوب الأنبوب العصبي عند تناوله قبل الحمل وأثناء الحمل المبكر. يساعد في إنتاج خلايا الدم الحمراء وعوامل في الحفاظ على صحة جيدة

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